Situated in Albany, MO, Sandra J. Youngs Insurance proves a little girl power goes a long way in this industry.
Get to know the woman behind the name.
Sandra Youngs’ career in insurance dates back to June of 1997. She started at Cameron Mutual, where she first met current CFM Assistant Underwriting Manager, Stefanie Belshe. Reflecting back on her time working with Sandra, Stefanie said, “She was very professional and always looked out for the best interest of her insureds. Being from a rural community, Sandy knew the people she represented and what their specific insurance needs were. She never failed to find the best fit for the customer and the company.”
After working as an independent agent in Albany for over 13 years, Sandra decided it was time to open her own agency. For the past five years, she has successfully owned and operated Sandra J. Youngs Insurance, continuing her work as an independent agent.
Sandra has no regrets about her choice to open her own agency. “Being an agency owner has been the best decision I have made in my insurance career.” And when it comes to her small, tight-knit staff, Sandra said, “We have a great deal of fun, but work hard every day. We have grown leaps and bounds and it has been an amazing journey.”
In addition to her insurance business, Sandra and her husband of 20 years, Brian, farm and own a backhoe business. They also have two daughters, Sidney, 20, and Bailey, 18.
Meet the Sandra J. Youngs family.
Sandy Youngs – Owner/Insurance Agent
Betty Brass – CSR
Alison Krieg-Runnels – CSR/Insurance Agent